Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ruby-Throated, Again

Unexpected, this noontime when I was out wrangling the overgrown rhododendron, my hummingbird made his/her first face-to-face appearance of the season with me. He hovered about three feet directly in front of my face, and I made my hummingbird-chirrup-sound, and then he flew to the electric lines and perched. Moments later an eagle swooped about thirty feet above my roofline, with an aggressive crow entourage. I couldn't have been more thrilled!

A little later I was standing out on my upstairs balcony, and there he was again, in the apple tree with yet another hummingbird. I chirruped, and he flew directly out of the leaves and did that hover-thing again right in front of me, then did a quick straight-upward flight for what seemed to be 50 or 60 feet. Amazing.

Last summer there existed in my garden an enchantment of hummingbirds, and yet I never expected such a familiar return visit. There seems to be some kind of magic at work.

My heart is wide open to it.


  1. I presume they have a favourite food; this could be the time to provide! Lucky you.

  2. How wonderful - I have never seen a hummingbird.

  3. Ahhhh . . . love this. Chirruped!!
