Tuesday, September 3, 2013


...and up-country, 2641 miles from home, flung out onto an island in the Pacific.

Here for a wedding, staying in a house populated by dozens of 30-somethings, sharing the single bathroom, on three acres that could only be described as glorious. The sharing aspect is so reminiscent of my hosteling days, with beautiful lithe bodies draped across sofas and an energy I have not visited in decades. Carving out my private head-space is a bit challenging!

There's a flower-consuming Sudanese turtle in a wire pen, horses in the lot next door, and a deep ravine where wild boar roam. I've yet to venture the overgrown trail down into the ravine, but it's definitely on my agenda.

I'm also itching to visit the apiary, somewhere down in that jungled ravine.