Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Rosanne Olson at Robin Rice Gallery

My marvelous and talented Seattle friend Rosanne Olson has an opening next week — Wednesday, May 8th — at Robin Rice Gallery in New York.

How I wish I could be there!

Rosanne and her husband Ted McMahon have been in the same writing group with me for many years. Both are multi-talented. Rosanne, besides her work as a professional photographer, is a talented singer/songwriter, as well as poet. Ted, a Seattle pediatrician, is a poet, drummer and welder.

New York friends — check out the show for me!


  1. wow what an image!

    I've noticed with many of my creative friends that they usually have many outlets. It's the life force coming through and it must be expressed!

  2. Thanks for the heads up! Will do!

  3. The gallery's walking distance ....

    Love, C.
