Tuesday, September 25, 2007

In spite of the fact that I'm quite fond of the rain
and grey, I am always quite unprepared for it
when it actually occurs. I left the house this morning
minus a coat, with clogs and no socks. Cold! Damp!
Drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip.

P. is going to crack the whip at me tonight as I
get my book-length manuscript in the mail.
This paper-shuffling-secretarial crap just does not
suit me. I would rather mop the floor. Really.
And I despise mopping.


  1. (good luck!)

    I would read your poetry if I knew who you were.


  2. rk: Thank-you! No book of any sort out yet; most recent magazine publication was Crab Creek Review.
    I am a lazy poet!
