Friday, June 3, 2011


No more the twenty-mile commute each way in rush hour traffic. Now I walk to work, through a continually astonishing landscape. And people are friendly. Friendly! They say "hi" and "good morning". Children -- they'll stop on their tiny bikes, look up at me and smile. Dogs wag. Even the cats run down driveways to greet me.

Yesterday, on my walk home, I saw a man playing catch with his son in the street. I saw a teenager using a skate board for transportation. I saw a man jogging, a bulldog at his heels. A woman tending her parking-strip vegetables: onions, beets, potatoes, spring lettuces, carrots just beginning to show their feather-tops. I saw peonies so lush and ruffled and deeply pink they made me want to weep. I saw chickens in an A-frame coop: cluck. Knee-high sunflowers. I inhaled the scent of irises: root beer!

It's the time of year now when I can walk out my front door for a stroll around the block that will generally take at least an hour -- and not because it's any great distance. I am once again inhabiting a social landscape, absent of the cookie-cutter shrubbery, the chemical lawns, the guarded-fortresses of the 'burbs that, for all intents and purposes, have alligatored-moats.

(I've dropped the letter "u" from the word "morning" and have modified it with the word "good".)


  1. Thanks for taking me on this walk with you. I so enjoyed it.

  2. Sounds like heaven. Get yourself some serious walking shoes!

  3. sounds wonderful, T. Back into 'real life,' eh? Thanks for the sights and sounds of your world.

  4. Glad to read of so much good coming from such devastation. Your perspective seems alive and well. xo

  5. that's not just "good" that's "great"

  6. Well, that's made my morning; I'm happy for you.

  7. Great that you are starting to feel more positive. Loved the walk around your neighbourhood. You will come out of the darkness into the light again.

  8. So glad that you're enjoying your neighborhood walks and life again. That's exactly how I felt when I moved back to my old neighborhood, after my ex and I split up, ten years ago. Cheers, cher!

  9. Dear T - ah, happy dollops of beauty and kindness. . . Thank you for taking us on this walk around your new/old neighbourhood. Walking does wonders. xo
