Sunday, October 18, 2009


P. and I are hosting a small gathering in four
hours, and, as usual, I can think of many things
to do instead of prepare for our guests. This is
odd, because I love to entertain and cook/bake.
Nonetheless, I am fantasizing about:

1) preparing poetry mss. for submissions
2) finishing my book-group book
3) working on the jigsaw puzzle in the living room
4) writing a new poem
5) playing the piano
6) writing a new "plastic boy" blog entry
7) organizing books.

Alas, there's no reason to ponder cleaning house
because P. and I charged through that yesterday
(where I was very pleased to discover that my
husband is quite adept with the vacuum cleaner).

All this, of course, while keeping in mind that in my
bakery days, I prepared a full-day's compliment of
sweets between 5am and 9am Monday through Friday.
Four hours? Piece of cake.
Or, er, slice of pie.
I mean, slices of two pies: apple and pumpkin,
plus corn bread and cole slaw to accompany P.'s
Texas Red Chili and spicy pinto beans.

Here I go!


  1. I have a houseguest arriving in about four hours, but I'll be at work for another five or six hours after that. I haven't the faintest idea what we're having for dinner tonight. You are way ahead of my game, T!

  2. Sandra: get to work! (And have fun!)

  3. Oh, that I could be there -- for the first 'f', of course *food*, the second 'f', *friends*, but I can skip the third 'f', *football*. :)

    Anyway, my baby's coming home in a couple of hours, so I have to pull meals together too!

    We're both feeling not so good, so it's not so easy as it should be, and the weather really truly sux.

    Love, C.

  4. C., wish you could be here too. I'd fix you up a good plate of grub and we could sit and work on the jigsaw puzzle. (And drink wine.) (I'm not much for football either. Thank god for food and cooking!) xxoo

  5. Good luck with the gathering.

    Thanks for posting that Larkins poem in my comments box. The Mower is another one of his I know - once again he reflects on death.

  6. I'll bet you didn't know that my dad used to vacuum up flies from the windowsill. Live flies.

  7. Blogalot -- indeed, I did not. He certainly possessed a multitude of talents!
