Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Farewell, My Irish Beauties


  1. I never cease to be amazed by the Irish love of horses. Every square meter of garden lawn has at least one. Every garage has one in preference to a car. Every roadside patch of weeds feeds a dozen.

    Children use them as toys, adults bet their pay-packets on them, and they play a major role in the Irish economy.

  2. And they are beautiful. The Irish blood (well diluted) in me recognizes their beauty and yearns after them.

  3. such a longing, T. i have a gnawing desire to go walking in Ireland, greatly enhanced by your posting of your visits. i also take to heart your e.m. forster quote. thank you.

  4. One day you'll get to see them again. xa

  5. Love your photos and especially the E.M.Forster quote. Very applicable to my life as well at present.
