Thursday, October 23, 2008

You gotta love Rednecks4Obama.

Where I work, there is a revolving door, so-to-speak,
through which various individuals roam.
This week we've been visited by 16-year-old N., who
is attending a boarding school in Northern California
while his parents traverse the globe on their sailboat.
(He's on a mid-quarter break.)
He is a lively, bright young man with myriad interests.
Yesterday I listened to him talk about the protracted process
of cattle becoming certified organic -- fascinating -- apparently
it's about a five-year process. Today, when I walked into work,
he was holding the resident kitten, a feisty and gorgeous
long-haired Maine Coon named Tigger Lou.
When I walked up to him, without saying anything, he handed
me the kitten, who was purring up a storm, and promptly
cuddled around my neck. O joy! I got in a few moments
with this delightful kitten, then handed him back to N.
I tell you, a boy and a dog is nice, but it takes a special kind
of boy to show that kind of affection for a kitten.


  1. oh the things I miss while getting my hair cut...
    it makes me so happy to know that my loves are loved when I am out and about.

  2. You've outdone yourself with the new picture! Tell us the story behind it!
