Sunday, January 4, 2009

At Whole Foods:

Vegan Cane Sugar.

I have to say that I really hate it
when they put pig in my sugar.
Lutefisk is even worse.
And haggis, well, let's not go there.
Thank the gods that this sugar
contains only organic tofu
and pinto beans.


  1. "Pig" in my sugar?????
    That's why I only eat bee poop...........

  2. I saw that at Whole Foods and just couldn't bring myself to buy it.

  3. I want to know what made Ima Wizer? As opposed to Happy Now?

  4. Robin, it was an encounter of the third kind in a rekindled romance that proved to be a disaster until I got wize and kicked the bum out. I'm hapinau but OH so much was a tossup of the better name.

  5. Ima, Thanks for letting me know! I do love the sound of hapinau--so melodic but probably better to be wizer? Thanks again
