Saturday, April 4, 2009

There is the fantasy of having a kitchen counter/window
completely free of clutter: plants, marbles, shells;
as well as a ceramic boar from a Red Rose Tea box
and a tiny carved terrier and a jeweler's loupe.
It will never happen.

I repotted all my ferns and geraniums today.
Some of the ferns I've had for over thirty years,
the geraniums possibly ten years. They are my
plant-family. I take cuttings from the geraniums
and the ferns do their spore-thing with amazing
regularity, so I've sent dozens of infant ferns
and geraniums out into the universe over the decades.
After many years of providing residence for a wide
variety of houseplants, I've narrowed my collection
to only ferns, and they thrive and are cheerful
year in and year out.

This sun today -- after days and days of biblical rain --
is a luxury. I want to fold some of it up into envelopes
to save. If one could fold sun, if it would be saved.

There is delight in stirring anything with a very small
silver spoon.


  1. The kitchen counter isn't free of clutter?

  2. If you have a VERY small spoon, bring it to the hive on Monday and I'll show you something way to precious and sweet to do with Those Eggs. You'll think I'm nuts. I am. But you'll like this.

  3. Melinda: hmmmmm, I'm intrigued.

  4. another really gorgeous photo, T........

  5. How lovely, having a plant family for so long. Another prized life achievement!

    Love, C.
