Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday, Precipitation, Planning on Mortality

Rain and rain and rain and rain
and rain like I've never remembered it
except I suspect my memory is undeniably flawed.
Rain like the West of Ireland in the middle of July,
Ballycroy National Park where 11,000 hectares
of blanket bog lead you down a planked trail
into only more cloud/mist/fog.

I tell my friends that I love rain
but days like this I doubt my sincerity.


In other news, Costco now carries coffins.
I mean, is one supposed to stock up?
Please, in the end, plant a shrub on me and skip the frou-frou. 


  1. Do Costco also sell 'Concrete Overcoats', maybe?

  2. I've never been very cost-conscious and really can't stand Costco, so I guess this means that I'll be over-paying for my coffin as well.
